Racing Rules                                                                           Download > > HERE

1. The club will organise the British National Section for all International races in its programme

2. That the club will operate a system of velocity proper for its own club result

3. Diplomas as follows:-

• For Non International races, Open Diplomas will be awarded to the top 2% of pigeons in the result; pro-rata to the number of birds entered in the race.

• Section Diplomas will be awarded to the top 2% of pigeons in each section; pro-rata to the actual number of birds entered in each section

• A Diploma of Merit will be awarded to any pigeon gaining three or more prizes in the top fifteen of all BICC Internationals.

4. Optional Pools will be as follows • Open & Sectional pools @ £1.00; £3.00; £5.00; £10.00; £20.00; Paid out 1 in 8 • Single Bird Nomination @ £1.00; £5.00; £10.00 Winner takes all • Charity Nomination > Paid Out 50% to the winner and 50% to the Charity

5. Open and Section prize money to be decided annually by the Management Committee

6. International Races: – Every pigeon timed should be verified within thirty minutes of timing in. National Races:- Only your first pigeon needs to be verified and this should be within thirty minutes of clocking. Should a member’s first pigeon in a National Race be verified after the thirty minute deadline, then the time the verification is made may be used as the clocking/ arrival time. When verifying you MUST include your BICC number; your name; your Town, the ring number and time clocked with any wing marks if applicable. If the race is longer than three days duration, then verification must be within 12 hours.

7. The duration of International races is either the normal British race down to 220 y.p.m. with the exception of Barcelona which shall cease at 160 y.p.m. ~ or the length designated by the International Authorities; whichever is the longest. All other races organised by the club to end at 220 y.p.m.

8. Each competing member must pay all race fees including those payable to the International organiser(s). All such fees being payable at marking stations at time of entering birds in the race.

9. The Hours of Darkness (HoD) as applicable will be displayed in the member’s handbook

10. All members are to have made their payments in full for their subscriptions, race entries and pools before pigeons are accepted for marking or disqualification will apply.

11. The Management Committee have the power to instruct that any pigeon entered in BICC races may be drug tested in accordance with RPRA rules..

12. International entries that are sent using rubbers must be rubbered on both legs. Both must be clocked. It is permissible to put two rubbers in the same thimble. International entries that are sent using ETS clocks – normal ETS rules apply. (This rule may be altered at any time to comply with International rules).

13. To improve security the Management Committee reserves the right to wing-stamp any birds entered into BICC races. In addition, those Officials in charge of marking stations must have their birds marked independently by at least two identifiable members who will ensure that the I/C’s race sheets, and if applicable the ETS print-outs and rubber stubs, are sealed in an envelope and sent separately to the secretary.

14. Race sheets will be supplied for all National and International races and these must be fully completed in accordance with the instructions issued for each race. A BICC entry paper sheet must be completed with a minimum of: – Name; BICC code; race point; and number of birds entered. A properly signed and completed ETS print-out will be accepted in lieu of handwriting ring number, colour and sex onto the National entry sheets, but members must complete the handwritten sheets to include any pooled pigeons. The onus is on the member to ensure all ETS details are correct, and may be refused if not.

15. The Minimum Birdage per crate for all races shall be sixteen (16). Any part crates to be clearly labelled and Convoyers to be made aware.